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This website provides information on the Australian Kendo Renmei (AKR) framework for the development of Instructors, Coaches, and Officiators.

This framework replaces the AKR Instructor Accreditation Scheme (IAS), in use since 2009, and expands the focus to accrediting Instructors, but also developing Coaches and Officiators.  For better understanding of the differences between those three roles, please refer to the ICO Handbook.

The PDF Version of the Handbook is available here.

Certification for the Instructor and Coach cadres is available using an interim model with modified requirements, allowing time to transition to approved model and the full requirements from 1 January 2023. 

The Handbook PDF does NOT currently include Appendix A (certification requirements from 1 Jan 2023) - this will be added when this website is update (late April) to reflect the requirements for 2023 onwards.

Submission for the interim (2022) certification is available HERE


Key Dates

1 Mar 2022 - ICO Framework launched and Interim Certification available.

1 May 2022 - Release scheduled for 2023 certification requirements.

1 Aug 2022 - Portal scheduled to open for 2023 certification.

31 Aug 2022 - Final date for seeking RPL.

31 Oct  2022 - Final date for submissions for certification for 2023.

30 Nov  2022 - 
Final date for submissions for 2023 certification.

31 Dec  2022 - List of Certifications published on website

updated 18 April 2023

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