Australian Kendo Renmei
Instructor, Coach & Officiator (ICO) Framework
ICO Framework handbook
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document is the framework, governance, role description and procedures for the AKR approach to development and formal certification of Instructors, Coaches & Officiators (ICOs).
1.2 Vision Statement
To develop cadres of AKR members with the required knowledge and skills to provide:
- instruction to AKR members in the techniques of ZNKR Kendo, Iaido or Jodo; and
- coaching to AKR members to improve their performance in Kendo, Iaido or Jodo; and
- officiating at AKR Kendo, Iaido or Jodo events (Shinsa or Shiai).
1.3 Background
In 2007 the AKR introduced an Instructor Accreditation Scheme (IAS) to train, develop and accredit members who perform teaching or instructing functions within the AKR. The plan for the IAS was to align it with the Australian Government Australian Sports Commission (ASC) National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS).
In 2015 the AKR Executive successful negotiated ASC recognition of the AKR as a National Sporting Organisation (NSO) as a first step towards NCAS recognition.
In 2017 the ASC announced that they were retiring the NCAS and were shifting from ‘compliance’ to ‘guidance and support’ for including the development of coaches and officials within NSO Strategic Plans and allow NSOs greater control and independence. The ASC planned to continue to develop tools, case studies and other resources to assist NSOs in developing their own frameworks and programs, and with ongoing development of coaching and officiating training, together with support including presenter, assessor, mentor and coach developer resources.
In 2017 the AKR National Council endorsed a draft Coaching certification framework for further development and implementation, and in October 2019 endorsed an expansion of this framework to include Instructor Certification (transitioning the existing IAS) and Officiator Certification.
This Instructor, Coach & Officiator (ICO) development framework will enable the AKR to transparently apply due diligence to developing instructors, coaches, and officiators.
1.4 Framework Key Principles
The ICO development framework has been designed to address key principles the AKR will apply in the development and certification of instructors, coaches, and officiators for Kendo, Iaido and Jodo:
separate certification for each of the functions of Instructor, Coach, and Officiator.
consistency across all arts whilst retaining enough flexibility for specific differences.
certification in multiple arts through recognition of common/generic requirements.
certification achieved through demonstrated competency of clearly documented requirement.
evidence of competency demonstrated through both formative and summative methods.
competency in general industry knowledge (not art specific) achieved through external bodies.
the workload to receive certification against the criteria should be as minimal as possible.
1.5 Member Participation
It is not mandatory for any AKR member to hold an ICO certification.
However, all dojos of AKR affiliate Renmei should take reasonable steps to ensure any person providing instruction or coaching of AKR members, or officiating over any AKR Shinsa or Shiai, has appropriate certifications.