Australian Kendo Renmei
Instructor, Coach & Officiator (ICO) Framework
ICO Framework handbook
6.0 ICO Workbooks
6.1 Purpose
Where appropriate, workbooks will be developed as a medium to support members demonstrating the transition of general principles into the context of the specific art principles.
6.2 Ownership
The National Council has overall ownership of the workbooks.
6.3 Content
The relevant Boards have the responsibility for ensuring that the appropriate workbook(s) are developed and available to members.
Art Specific Instructing Theory Workbook
Acknowledging that Art Specific instruction should be according to the curriculum (movements, techniques, forms or kata) as stated in official teaching manuals of the art, the Boards may determine that the manuals of the All Japan Kendo Federation are sufficient.
Art Specific Coaching Theory Workbook
The questions in this Q&A workbook should directly align to the modules of the relevant Intermediate General Principles Coaching Course workbook. The NCDC coordinator should provide support to the Boards in developing the workbooks, by identifying appropriate sources for relevant content.
Art Specific Officiating Theory Workbook
The questions in this Q&A workbook should directly align to the modules of the relevant Advanced Level Officiating Principles Course workbook. The NODC coordinator should provide support to the Boards in developing the workbooks, by identifying appropriate
6.4 Content Review
Workbook content should be reviewed every 3-5 years.